Ever wish you could find online training videos that were developed for informal educators and evaluators? Our EvalFest partners did, and so we have taken this challenge head on! Over the past several months, we started to create and distribute data management and data analysis training videos to our EvalFest partners, and now we are sharing them through the KPC Learning Library too.
Currently, our data management videos show how to use various functions to clean, organize, explore, and recode data. Each video centers around a specific concept, ranging from how to set up a clean and raw database, to how to create pivot tables from your data, to recoding text to numbers for multiple choice questions. During each, you get to watch me walk through the steps as I explain them, using the kinds of variables that are found in many STEM education evaluations.
Why do we do this? Well as much as we love our survey software programs, there are often limitations in how data are downloaded that can limit how they are used. The data management videos are designed to help you jump those hurdles to make the most of your data. We are hoping to continue these training videos in the future. Curious? Click on the KPC Learning Library link to see these and other videos. Let us know what you think and which skills you think we should tackle next.