Thank you to my staff!

Thank you to my staff!

This week I want to take a few minutes to recognize my staff. I have the good fortune to work with employees and long-term consultants who make contributions big and small to help keep KPC steaming ahead. It has taken a few years to figure out the right balance when...
Thank you AEA!

Thank you AEA!

Tis the season to reflect and give thanks, and I am feeling so fortunate with my lot in life this November that I’m doing a post each week for the rest of the month to give shout outs to those who helped get me here. Last week was the annual meeting of the...
The Value of Evaluability Assessment

The Value of Evaluability Assessment

If you had asked me what an evaluability assessment was about a year ago, I don’t think I could have told you. Now I find that it’s a term and a process that I use all the time thanks to another NC-based evaluator and fellow member of RTP Evaluators, Tamara Walser....