Tools you can use!

Tools you can use!

Within the past month, I have had the good fortune to participate in a couple of meetings that got my brain buzzing about evaluation capacity-building tools. The first of these was a convening of folks who are part of a project called STEM Evaluation Community that...
The AAAS Scientist Scales are coming!

The AAAS Scientist Scales are coming!

It has been a fun month at KPC, as we found out that both of the scientist scales that we developed for AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) will soon be published.  I’m thrilled that AAAS’s recent work might catalyze practitioners and evaluators...
Why is reporting so hard?

Why is reporting so hard?

  I don’t know, honestly. It just is! Creating reports that people will actually read (and then use) is a tricky business. At the end of the day, a report has to meet people where they are. For some, that means staying in their comfort zone or within the comfort...