The Blog

Thank you AEA!

Thank you AEA!

Tis the season to reflect and give thanks, and I am feeling so fortunate with my lot in life this November that I'm doing a post each week for the rest of the month to give shout outs to those who helped get me here. Last week was the annual meeting of the American...

The Value of Evaluability Assessment

The Value of Evaluability Assessment

If you had asked me what an evaluability assessment was about a year ago, I don’t think I could have told you. Now I find that it’s a term and a process that I use all the time thanks to another NC-based evaluator and fellow member of RTP Evaluators, Tamara Walser....

Using Off-the-Shelf Measures – The Risk and the Reward

Using Off-the-Shelf Measures – The Risk and the Reward

Over the past few years I have had the pleasure and the frustration of puzzling through when and how to use off-the-shelf measures for evaluation. I’m a huge fan of off-the-shelf measures that have validation evidence to support their use. Here’s the logic behind my...

Evaluating the North Carolina Science Festival

Evaluating the North Carolina Science Festival

April is science festival month in North Carolina.  An initiative of Morehead Planetarium and Science Center, the North Carolina Science Festival offers an opportunity to celebrate science in fun and welcoming settings, encourages children to pursue science-related...

Tools you can use!

Tools you can use!

Within the past month, I have had the good fortune to participate in a couple of meetings that got my brain buzzing about evaluation capacity-building tools. The first of these was a convening of folks who are part of a project called STEM Evaluation Community that...

AAAS features work of Karen Peterman Consulting

AAAS features work of Karen Peterman Consulting

Evaluation of public engagement in science usually focuses on the impact on public participants.  Do scientists benefit from public engagement?  Karen Peterman Consulting has been collaborating with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) to...

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